WCJLS Board of Directors
Thank you to the Board of Directors who volunteer their time for the youth of Wilson County.
President - Craig Mutz
Vice President - Scott Boening
Secretary - Lisa Wright
Treasurer - Susie Wehe
Brett Barnett
Charles Eckel
Keith Fey
Robert Hubbert
Beverly Hummel
Daryl Johnson
Josh Martin
Jimmy McFadin
Monty McGuffin
Nash Nichols
Doug Noll
Heath Orth
Bryon Pfeifer
Paul Pfeil
Jake Powell
​Mark Wehe
BEEF Curt Alexander
SWINE Fabian Mutz
Brandon Mutz
LAMBS/GOATS Leroy Kolodziej
Dannel Hudel
Cade Burks
POULTRY Jeremy Lee
RABBITS Brandon Rumfield
HORSE Carli Carter
Kristi Seesengood
COMM. HEIFER Samantha Shannon
Allison Drabek
Ag Mechanics Tommy Kotzur